










1. 论文(论著)成果

以第一或通讯作者在Applied Energy、Energy Conversion andManagement、Energy、Expert Systems withApplications、Applied Soft Computing、Computers and Mathematicswith Applications、Neurocomputing、ISA Transactions 等电力系统领域和人工智能领域的国内外知名期刊发表论文40 余篇,主要成果如下:

[1]Dexuan Zou, Dunwei Gong. Differential evolution based on migrating variablesfor the combined heat and power dynamic economic dispatch. Energy 2022;vol.238, doi: 10.1016/j.energy.2021.121664.

[2]Dexuan Zou, Steven Li, Xiangyong Kong, Haibin Ouyang, Zongyan Li. Solving thecombined heat and power economic dispatch problems by an improved geneticalgorithm and a new constraint handling strategy. Applied Energy 2019; 237:646-670.

[3]Xin Shen, Dexuan Zou, Na Duan, Qiang Zhang. An efficient fitness-baseddifferential evolution algorithm and a constraint handling technique fordynamic economic emission dispatch. Energy, 2019, vol.186,http://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2019.07.131

[4]Qiang Zhang, Dexuan Zou, Na Duan, Xin Shen. An adaptive differentialevolutionary algorithm incorporating multiple mutation strategies for theeconomic load dispatch problem. Applied Soft Computing, 2019, 78: 641-669.

[5]Dexuan Zou, Fei Wang, Nannan Yu, Xiangyong Kong. Solving many-objectiveoptimisation problems by an improved particle swarm optimisation approach and anormalised penalty method. International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation2019; 14(4): 247-264.

[6]Zongyan Li, Dexuan Zou, Zhi Kong. A harmony search variant and a usefulconstraint handling method for the dynamic economic emission dispatch problemsconsidering transmission loss. Engineering Applications of ArtificialIntelligence 2019; 84: 18-40.

[7]Dexuan Zou, Steven Li, Xiangyong Kong, Haibin Ouyang, Zongyan Li. Solving thedynamic economic dispatch by a memory-based global differential evolution and arepair technique of constraint handling. Energy 2018; 147: 59-80.

[8]Dexuan Zou, Suash Deb, Gaige Wang. Solving IIR system identification by avariant of particle swarm optimization. Neural Computing and Applications 2018;30(3): 685-698.

[9]Dexuan Zou, Steven Li, Zongyan Li, Xiangyong Kong. A new global particle swarmoptimization for the economic emission dispatch with or without transmissionlosses. Energy Conversion and Management 2017; 139: 45-70.

[10]Dexuan Zou, Steven Li, Gaige Wang, Zongyan Li, Haibin Ouyang. An improveddifferential evolution algorithm for the economic load dispatch problems withor without valve-point effects. Applied Energy 2016; 181: 375-390.

[11]Dexuan Zou, Gai-Ge Wang, Arun K. Sangaiah, Xiangyong Kong. A memory-basedsimulated annealing algorithm and a new auxiliary function for thefixed-outline floorplanning with soft blocks. Journal of Ambient Intelligence& Humanized Computing 2017; 1-12, doi: 10.1007/s12652-017-0661-7.

[12]Dexuan Zou, Gaige Wang, Gai Pan, Hongwei Qi. A modified simulated annealingalgorithm and an excessive area model for floorplanning using fixed-outlineconstraints. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering2016; 17(11): 1228-1244.

[13] 邹德旋, 李洪美, 王晓燕. “数字信号处理”课程教学研究. 电气电子教学学报 2021; 43(4): 89-93.

[14] 邹德旋. 基于师生共建的信号与系统课程教学研究. 中国教育技术装备 2020; no.20: 66-68+71.

2. 专利成果

[1] 胡震, 邹德旋. 一种高功率低噪声的无线接入点设备, 2018-11, 中国, ZL 2017 21834452.5(实用新型专利)

[2] 陈传虎, 刘海宽, 邹德旋, 李旭超, 秦海鹏. 一种具有触摸显示屏的便携式脑电图仪, 2013-06, 中国, ZL201120579381.5(实用新型专利)

[3] 刘海宽, 陈传虎, 邹德旋, 李旭超, 秦海鹏. 基于PLC 煤矿井下爆破仿真系统, 2012-11, 中国, ZL201120579378.3(实用新型专利)

3. 获奖成果

(1) 2018年江苏省教育教学与研究成果奖三等奖(高校自然科学研究类)。

(2) 2018-2019 年度徐州市自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖。

(3) 国际学术会议ISCMI 2015最佳论文提名奖。



1. 2019年科研育人优秀研究生导师称号。

2. 2013年、2017年江苏师范大学校先进工作者称号。

3. 2016年、2018年、2019年、2021年江苏师范大学本科生毕业设计(论文)优秀指导教师称号。


1. 张鑫,研究生国家奖学金,“信捷”奖学金一等奖,“十佳学术之星”提名奖。硕士期间以第一作者身份发表SCI检索论文1篇,中文核心论文2篇,EI检索会议论文2篇。2016级机械工程学术学位硕士研究生,2019年考取中国矿业大学博士研究生。

2. 沈鑫,硕士期间以第一作者身份发表SCI检索论文2篇,中文核心论文2篇,EI检索会议论文2篇。2016级机械工程学术学位硕士研究生,2019年考取中国矿业大学博士研究生。

版权所有:江苏师范大学电气工程及自动化学院 © 2015-2019